Board Members

Dr. Pierre Cadot
Paris, France
Pierre Cadot graduated as Dr. med. vet. at the « Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse” ENVT Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse France. From 1974 until 2010 Dr. Cadot was the founder and owner of 3 veterinary clinics in France: « Clinique vétérinaire d’Anet », « Clinique vétérinaire Saint-Mathieu de Houdan», « Clinique vétérinaire Europa ». From 1982 until 1991 Pierre Cadot was an active board member of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology. Along with his other achievements, such as being one of the founders of the European Association for Veterinary Specialization in 1990 and the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies in 1991, Dr. Pierre Cadot founded a non-for-profit organization: WVEPAH (World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health) in 2010.

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Eva Eberspächer-Schweda
Dipl. ACVAA / Vienna, Austria
As Associate Board member and Director of Education, she is responsible for educational programs, didactics and the development of new curricula together with Marc Vandevelde.

Prof. Dr. Lluís Ferrer
Dipl. ECVD, DVM, PhD / Barcelona, Spain
Lluís Ferrer obtained his DVM degree (1981) and a PhD (1985) at the University of Zaragoza – Spain and a Master in Animal Pathology (1983) at the Veterinary School of Hannover (Germany). In 1994 was Board-Certified Dermatologist by the European College of Veterinary Dermatology. Since 1985 has been lecturing Pathology and Dermatology at the Veterinary School of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain), where he has also been Dean of the Veterinary School (1992-1998), Vice rector for Research (1998-2002) and Rector of the University (2002-2009).

Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Joachim Koch Dr.h.c. Dipl. ECVD / Birkenfeld, Germany
Diplomat ECVD (European College of Veterinary Dermatology), a.o. Professor University Brno.
Owner of a small animal veterinary hospital (6 veterinarians) in Birkenfeld, Germany, since 1977
Founder and Past-President of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology (ESVD)
President, European College of Veterinary Dermatology (ECVD), 2001 – 2003
Founder and Board member (board of directors) of the European Association for Veterinary Specialisation (EAVS), since 1991
Founder and Board member (board of directors) of the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS), since 1991 …

Dr. Elisabeth Müller
Bad-Kissingen, Germany
Veterinarian, microbiology specialist, CEO veterinary laboratory Laboklin
In the ESAVS board, responsible together with Hans Koch for business administration and marketing

Prof. Dr. Marc Vandevelde
Prof.Dr. Dr.h.c. Dipl. ECVN / Bern, Switzerland
Professor emiritus of veterinary neurology, Vetsuisse faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland
In the ESAVS board, responsible together with Eva Eberspächer-Schweda for the academic aspects of the study programs as well as of the contact with the course masters.