Certificate Program
Responsible Persons for the Certificate Program
The CAS program is offered by ESAVS, an officially recognized school by the Federation for Education in Europe (FEDE), an international association of about 500 private schools of higher education. FEDE which holds participatory status in the council of the European Union has certified these programs. The teaching procedures have been audited and approved by a Swiss EduQua-accredited, supranational independent institution. In addition, ESAVS is in the process of accrediting our programs by VetCEE, an accreditation agency for continuing veterinary education endorsed by the highest authorities in veterinary education represented in the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT).
Each discipline has a Program Director (PD).
- The PD is defining and regularly updating the discipline’s specific requirements complying with the general rules and standards determined by the post-graduate education committee.
- The PD is defining, together with the other course masters the major and the minor subjects of the discipline.
- The PD is responsible for overseeing the creation of CASUS-based examinations.
- The PD is appointing and inviting course masters in the responsible discipline to join the examination board.
- The PD is overseeing the evaluation/grading of all written work (case log, case reports) of the students enrolled in their discipline program. She/He can perform the evaluation her/himself or may also delegate the evaluation assignments to other members of the examination board.
The program is supervised by the Post Graduate Education Committee (PGEC) which consists of the ESAVS Educational Director and four professors of veterinary medicine from various European universities coming from different disciplines of small animal veterinary medicine. The committee is assisted by a coordinator from ESAVS.
The duties of the PGEC include:
- Supervision of the quality of program.
- Regular review of the rules and requirements.
- Collecting all examination grades and assignment of ECTS credits and a final global grade to each candidate following review of all the data.
- Management and interaction with the Program Directors.
The PGEC is assisted by the Examination Board which consists of at least 10 specialists usually associated with ESAVS, representing various disciplines of small animal veterinary medicine. The committee is chaired by the Educational Director. The examination board is responsible for:
- Reviewing and grading the case logs and case reports.
- aCreation of examinations.
The faculty of ESAVS (Principal Course Masters and Course Masters) consists of internationally recognized veterinary specialists from all over the world, most of which are university teachers. The ESAVS faculty teaches in the courses and prepares the respective examinations.
All administration associated with the CAS is handled by the Certificate/Master programs department at the ESAVS office.