Feline Medicine
Individual Courses and Comprehensive Study Program
The ESAVS Feline Medicine courses are dedicated to veterinarians in practice or in the academic field who are willing to deepen their knowledge precisely in the area of Feline Medicine. The comprehensive study program consists currently of 5 one-week modules and covers different and most important disciplines. A sixth course “Feline Internal Medicine II” is being planned and will take place in 2020. The courses masters and instructors are recognized specialists and /or Diplomates of European and/or American Veterinary Colleges.
Feline Dentistry
Despite there are three major problems affecting most of patients in feline dentistry: periodontal diseases, caudal stomatitis and teeth resorption, cats also suffer from other maladies linked to oral cavity. It is very common that several problems exsist concurrently in the oral cavity. Due to fact that it is difficult to provide home care in cats suffering with oral pain, many diseases are diagnosed in advanced stage. ESAVS Feline Dentistry course is responding to growing need of general practitioners as well as profiled feline clinics to learn more about dental and maxillofacial problems in cats. Participant will receive theoretical and practical knowledge about clinical anatomy, diagnostics oral inflammatory diseases management, oral surgery, traumatology and systemic aspects of dental problems. Lectures, wetlabs and interactive sessions all about the cats will be provided.
Feline Internal Medicine I
This course in feline medicine is designed for veterinarians with an interest in feline medicine. Participants can expect to increase their understanding of feline health and disease with an emphasis on a problem-solving and practical approach using real cases to illustrate key points.
Feline Oncology
“Feline Oncology” is specifically designed to provide feline practitioners with the “A to Z” of cancer in cats. It will start with the diagnostic approach to the feline cancer patient, including biopsy taking, staging procedures, diagnostic imaging options as well as practical cytology sessions. There will be a detailed discussion of the most common feline tumours in clinical practice. A major emphasis will be on interactive and case oriented work using a systematic approach to the feline cancer patient including recognizing symptoms, interpreting imaging findings and choosing staging tests. Further, there will be a comprehensive discussion of cancer treatment options and on formulating suitable therapeutic plans.
This course is ideal for veterinarians with little or no previous knowledge in veterinary oncology, but also highly suitable for feline practitioners, who want to deepen their understanding of feline oncology and get up-to-date with the current state of clinical research.
Feline Orthopaedics
This course includes interactive, case-oriented classroom teaching in combination with intensive practical workshops.
In the workshops, we first repeat basic traumatology on plastic bones before starting to perform surgery on a cat cadaver always together with another participant. Teachers first show, how to do the exercise on a cadaver with the help of video transmission and are afterwards available to support and instruct participants during the workshop.
After the course participants will have repeated AO principles of fracture management and will be able to do correct surgical approaches to the bones as well as have a treatment plan for common fractures. Also participants will be able to perform some common orthopedic surgeries in the cat.
Feline Soft Tissue Surgery
The ESAVS Feline Soft Tissue Surgery course focuses on the most common specific surgical diseases and treatments of cats. It is recommended but not mandatory that participants have taken the soft tissue surgery I before. At the end of the course, participants shall have acquired a sound knowledge about specific aspects of feline soft tissue surgery and master technically the most common feline soft tissue surgery.