Lab Diagnostics

Individual Courses and Comprehensive Study Program

The ESAVS Laboratory Diagnostics program consists of 5 one-week modules. One of these (CYTOLOGY1) is a residential on-site course, the others are entirely held online as interactive live webinars.

CYTOLOGY I (residential course)
In this first course, the basic principles of cytopathology will be covered, including sampling techniques, slide preparation and staining, cytology principles of inflammation and neoplasia. The course will then focus on three main areas of cytology which are commonly performed in general practice, including cytology of skin and subcutaneous lesions, cytology of lymph nodes, cytology of ears, urinalysis and cytology of cavitary effusions.
Furthermore, every day the participants will be presented with glass slides of cytology cases to examine using individual microscopes in order to practice what they learned during the course.

CYTOLOGY II (online course)
This second cytology course will focus on the remaining areas of cytopathology that are still clinically relevant but tend to be examined by more experienced personnel. The topics covered include cytology of internal organs (e.g. thoracic organs, liver, spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, uro-genital tract), cytology of fluids (e.g. nasal flush, TW, BAL, synovial fluids, CSF), and other districts (e.g. musculoskeletal system, eyes, histiocytic disorders). There will also be a small session on immunocytochemistry and one on histopathology covering all the information a veterinarian should know before collecting and submitting a histopathological sample for analysis to an external laboratory. Correlation cytopathology-histopathology will also be discussed. Every day, the participants will be presented with digital cytology cases to solve in order to put in practice what they learned during the course. Digital cytology will give you the same experience as being in front of the microscope and is the best way to learn cytology from home.

HAEMATOLOGY (online course)
This online course will cover all aspects of haematology from the pre-analytical phase (sample collection, choice of instruments, quality control) to the analytical phase (blood sample analysis, blood smear preparation and examination). Large part of the course will be dedicated to the microscopic examination of all blood components (red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets) with a very practical approach, including diagnostic approach to anaemia. Day 4 will be entirely dedicated to myelo- and lymphoproliferative disorders, including advanced diagnostic techniques (flow cytometry, PARR) that are often needed to confirm and/or refine a diagnosis of leukaemia. There will also be space to discuss coagulation disorders, blood typing, and transfusion medicine, which are all topics of major clinical relevance.
Similarly to the other courses, every day the participants will be presented with haematology cases to solve and digital blood smears to look at in order to put in practice what they learned during the course. Digital haematology will give you the same experience as being in front of the microscope and is the best way to learn haematology from home.

ENDOCRINOLOGY (online course)
This online course is devised to provide the practitioner with a throughout understanding of small animal endocrinology. Major topics include diabetes mellitus, hyper- and hypothyroidism, hyper- and hypoadrenocorticism, pheochromocytoma and insulinoma in dogs and cats; in each disease the laboratory perspective is particularly emphasized. The Endocrinology week aims to increase the knowledge of each participant by providing new tools that help solving common and less common diseases of the glands. Besides theoretical lectures, during each afternoon the Endocrinology week includes sessions with multidisciplinary clinical cases, focused on laboratory findings. The continuous dialogue with experienced lecturers, in a friendly atmosphere, will allow the participant to learn and practice at the same time.

This online course will provide the practitioner with a throughout understanding of the most appropriate diagnostic approach to infectious diseases, including the selection of direct tests (i.e., cytology or molecular biology), indirect tests (e.g., serology, including the use of in-house or patient-side kits) and a comprehensive overview of clinical-pathological findings, with special emphasis on clinical chemistry. The combination of the above information is expected to provide the participants with an invaluable tool to solve daily problems related to infectious diseases in pets, using an integrated laboratory approach. Whenever possible, the clinical-pathological and serological/molecular techniques will be presented through interactive case-based lectures; the participants will be asked to suggest the combination(s) of tests that are necessary to complete the diagnostic workup for cases with suspected infectious diseases. Clinical cases will also provide the opportunity for the lecturers to present slides summarizing the pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical and laboratory findings, as well as the recommended diagnostic workup, for each infectious disease.