Master of Advanced Studies in Veterinary Medicine

in specific disciplines

The Master of Advanced Studies in Veterinary Medicine (MASVM) program is a unique way to obtain a degree in a specific field of small animal veterinary medicine, and a most valuable experience in your veterinary career.

Master of Advanced Studies in Veterinary Medicine (MASVM) testifies that you have acquired an intermediary level of clinical competence (as defined by the leading European veterinary organizations) in a chosen discipline, complemented by in depth theoretical knowledge as well as communicative and investigative skills.

Master of Advanced Studies in Veterinary Medicine testifies that you have acquired an intermediary level of clinical competence (as defined by the leading European veterinary organizations) in a chosen discipline, complemented by in depth theoretical knowledge as well as communicative and investigative skills.

The Master program is offered in the following disciplines:




Diagnostic Imaging

Internal Medicine




The Intermediate Level

As a result of the increasing demand for high-quality pet health care, small animal veterinarians are focusing their activity more and more on specific aspects of veterinary medicine. Currently in Europe, the highest clinical qualifications in veterinary specialization are the diplomas issued by the European specialist colleges under the umbrella of the European Board of Veterinary Specialization (EBVS), delivering the title of “Board-certified in …”. Recently, however, the leading professional veterinary organizations (Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE), European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS), European Association of Establishments of Veterinary Education (EAEVE), Union of European Veterinary Practitioners (UEVP)) did adopt the concept of Europe wide accreditation of an intermediate level of competence. The MASVM aims at the intermediary level of clinical competence and additionally provides advanced theoretical knowledge in documentation, presentation and discussion.

ESAVS as School Providing Continuing Education for Veterinarians

This development of specialization and the growing demand for veterinarians with certified competences in advanced clinical small animals medicine and case management increases the demand for postgraduate education in specific disciplines. Educational authorities in veterinary training in Europe recognize an intermediate level of competence between the veterinary graduate and the European Specialist (diplomats of the respective colleges of the European Board of Veterinary Specialization). This level of intermediate competence is achieved by state-of-the-art education.
Over the past 30 years the European School of Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS) has offered an international postgraduate education recruiting the best specialist-teachers from all over Europe and beyond offering comprehensive training programs aiming at the said intermediate level. These programs also offer the opportunity to obtain a Certificate or Master degree.

Obtain a Master Degree by Studying While Working

A diploma or degree testifies that its holder has achieved competences and skills which have been evaluated and examined by a board of experts. It is now internationally accepted that extra-occupational studies leading to a Master degree should be based on specifically designed continuing education programs called “Master of Advanced Studies (MAS)”, also known as “professional” or “executive” Master. A MAS focuses on practical experience and skills rather than on scientific and research experience of the traditional Master of Science (MSc).
Our MAS Master of Advanced Studies in Veterinary Medicine (MASVM) program offers an opportunity to achieve a high level of competence by part time formal coursework and individual written work both of which provide a frame to focus and guide the professional activity in the chosen discipline in practice at home. The written work requirements promote in depth study of the chosen discipline at an academic level.


  •  Acquire competence in the promotion of health as well as in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of small animals at a level which serves the needs of the consumer of modern high quality veterinary care
  • Become well versed in a selected discipline of small animal veterinary medicine and to interact optimally with EBVS diplomates
  • Acquire problem clinical solving skills shared by our experienced ESAVS Faculty who are recruited from among the recognized specialists in Europe and beyond.
  • Be able to critically research medical information and literature and to write scientifically
  • Lay a foundation for continuous life-long professional development in the chosen discipline