Dr Eva Schnabl-Feichter

Veterinary University of Vienna

EDUCATION- Degrees, Diplomas
02/10 Diplomate ECVS, Zurich, Switzerland
07/08 Candidatus DECVS, Munich, Germany
11/04 Doctor Medicine Veterinariae, Vienna, Austria
09/04 Diploma for a Rotating Small Animal Internship, Munich, Germany
09/02 Magistra Medicine Veterinariae, Vienna, Austria
9/99 Candidatus Medicinae Veterinariae, Vienna, Austria
10/97 Registration at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna

7/13- now Senior lecturer and clinican, leader of the small animal orthopaedic surgery section, Vet Uni Vienna, Austria
6/11- 7/13 Head surgeon at the TK Hollabrunn, Austria
Principal: Günther Schwarz, Dr. med. vet. Dipl ECVS
08/08- 3/11 Junior lecturer, clinic for small animal surgery and reproduction, LMU Munich, Germany
Special interests: neurosurgery, orthopedics and traumatology, small mammals
10/04- 07/08 ECVS resident, clinic for small animal surgery and reproduction, LMU Munich, Germany
Supervisors: Prof. Ulrike Matis, DECVS
Prof. Roberto Köstlin, DECVS
10/03– 09/04 Rotating Internship in small animal medicine and surgery, LMU Munich, Germany
Anaesthesia and Intensive care (2 month)
Radiology (2 month)
Surgery and Ophthalmology (4 month)
Internal medicine (1 month)
Cardiology (2 weeks)
Dematology (2 weeks)
Reproduction (2 weeks)
Small mammals (2 weeks)
10/02- 9/03 Veterinary Associate, Animal Health Centre Whitby, North Yorkshire, England
95% Small Animal
5% Farm Animals and Horses
High standard practice in small animal medicine and surgery with a big caseload
Personal focus in clinic: internal medicine and soft tissue surgery
Principal: Simon J. Beck, MRCVS
10/99- 08/02 Student assistant, small animal hospital Neulinggasse, Vienna, Austria
Principal: Dr. Renate Lorin
09/97-10/02 Student assistant, small animal clinic, Dr. Helmut Schnabl, Vienna, Austria
09/99, Student assistant, work experience, small animal hospital, Abivale
02/00, Veterinary Group, Abingdon, Great Britain
09/00, small animal medicine and surgery
09/02, Principal: TL Hutchings, MRCVS


11/11 Externship, small animal orthopedics, Dr. Randy Boudrieau, DACVS, DECVS, University Tufts/Boston, USA
09/07 Clinical rotation, arthroscopy, Jean Francois Bardet, DECVS, Neuilly sur seine, Paris, France
11/06 Clinical rotation, internal medicine, Rob Foale, DECVIM-CA, Dick White Referrals, Six miles bottom, Great Britain
3/06 Clinical rotation, pathology, Dr. Peter Schmidt, DECVP, Veterinary University, Vienna, Austria
7/05 Clinical rotation, anaesthesia, Dr. Yves Moens, DECVA, Veterinary university, Vienna, Austria
02/01- 04/01 Clinical rotation, Veterinary faculty, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia
Small animal medicine and surgery (4 weeks)
Farm animal reproduction (2 weeks)
Equine surgery and internal medicine (2 weeks)