Individual Courses and Comprehensive Study Program
The ESAVS soft tissue surgery comprehensive program is different from any surgical training you had before. Because of the duration of the course, your mind is fully concentrated on the topics covered. Theory is immediately followed by practice. We are not bringing any recipes that will not be applicable in your practice: we are helping you progressing at whatever level you are. In addition, you have time to interact with course masters and participants. We are building teams that progress together. This provides an incredible friendly and efficient working atmosphere.
Soft Tissue Surgery
The ESAVS Soft Tissue Surgery courses are dedicated to veterinarians in practice or in the academic field who are willing to deepen their knowledge in soft tissue surgery. The study program consists currently of up to 7 one-week modules and some advanced 3 days courses. Each course is composed of a mix of theory and practice on models and cadavers. Much time is dedicated to interactive and practical training under the supervision of course masters and instructors, who are all internationally, recognized European or American specialists.
Soft Tissue Surgery I
This course focuses on the basic principles of surgery, tissue handling, knotting techniques and general abdominal and gastro-intestinal surgery.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) shall be able to apply atraumatic surgery principles on all occasions, 2) master current abdominal surgeries principles and techniques, 3) have changed paradigm, not trying anymore to know “how” but “why”.
Soft Tissue Surgery II
This module focuses on two important topics of soft tissue surgery: On one hand the skin reconstruction techniques, and on the other one surgery of the perineal and anal region.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) shall possess the current knowledge about principles of wound care, 2) master most of the skin reconstruction techniques, 3) have a sound anatomical knowledge of perineal and perianal region, 4) master surgical techniques as anal sac removal, perineal hernia repair and rectal surgery.
Soft Tissue Surgery III
During this course, we will concentrate on more advanced abdominal surgeries. After reviewing the indications and techniques for current urinary tract surgery, we will address the surgical treatments of urinary incontinence and urinary tract trauma. The second part of the course will focus on liver and gallbladder surgery as well as on pancreas and adrenals.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) shall master most of the urinary tract surgical techniques; 2) get a sound knowledge of management of urinary incontinence; 3) have acquired a good understanding of liver surgery including porto-systemic shunt; 4) be able to operate or refer advanced pancreas or adrenal surgeries.
Soft Tissue Surgery IV
This course is dedicated exclusively to head and neck surgery. A strong focus will be put on upper airways and ear surgeries. However, topics as salivary mucoceles, thyroid and parathyroid diseases and surgeries will also be covered.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) shall have acquired a profound knowledge of upper airways anatomy and its relevance for treatment of diseases like Brachycephalic syndrome, laryngeal paralysis and tracheal collapse; 2) shall master a clear decision-making process for ear surgeries; 3) shall be able to perform external ear surgeries and to operate or refer middle-ear ones; 4) have become confident in treating salivary mucoceles and surgical diseases of thyroid and parathyroid.
Soft tissue surgery V – Thoracic surgery
This course is designed for advanced practitioners who participated to a minimum of 2 STS courses (or equivalent), young specialists, and ECVS/ACVS residents. The program consists of lectures, two full days of wet-labs and cases discussion.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) shall be able to approach and close the chest using intercostal or sternotomy approach, 2) shall be able to perform the most common intra-thoracic procedures (lobectomies, pericardectomies, diaphragmatic hernias) 3) have a profound understanding of the anaesthesia and pain management of patients sustaining thoracic surgeries.
Soft Tissue Surgery Laparoscopy
This course is dedicated to practitioners, specialists and faculty members wishing to start with laparoscopic surgery. A strong focus will be made on practical exercises with dry labs on models and ex-vivo organs and wet labs on dogs’ cadavers and anesthetized pigs.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) Shall have a profound knowledge on the pros and cons of mini-invasive surgery and the most common indications 2) Shall be able to plan and organize a mini-invasive setting in their clinic 3) shall be able to perform at least most common elective surgeries
Soft Tissue Surgery Feline
This course focuses on the most common specific surgical diseases and treatments of cats. It is recommended but not mandatory that participants have taken the soft tissue surgery I before.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) shall have acquired a sound knowledge about specific aspects of feline soft tissue surgery 2) Master technically the most common feline-specific soft tissue surgeries
The ESAVS Orthopaedic Surgery courses are dedicated to veterinarians in practice or in the academic field who are willing to deepen their knowledge in small animals’ orthopaedic diseases. Focus will be placed on diagnostic and treatment principles of various orthopaedic diseases. The practical aspects of fracture treatments are beyond the scope of these courses but such courses principles (for instance AO courses) can be acknowledged under certain circumstances for the Certificate and Master in small animal orthopaedics/surgery.
The comprehensive study program consists currently of 3 one-week modules. A fourth “advanced” module is being planned. Each course is composed of a mix of theory and practice on models and cadavers. Much time is dedicated to interactive and practical training under the supervision of course masters and instructors, all internationally recognized European or American specialists.
After attending the whole program, participants shall have acquired sufficient knowledge not only to face most of the current clinical situations but also to further progress by themselves and then recognize the cases that need to be referred to specialists.
Course one (Orthopaedics I) has to be taken before taking any other one. Ortho II and III may be taken in any order. It is recommended to take Ortho IV only after completion of the other courses.
Orthopaedics I
This course focuses on the basic knowledge in small animal orthopaedics. The first part is dedicated to anatomy, orthopaedic and neurologic examinations as well as basic and advanced diagnostic modalities. The second part concentrates on degenerative joint disease and orthopaedic diseases of the juvenile patients.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) shall have acquired a sound knowledge of anatomy enabling to differentiate neurologic from orthopaedic lameness using clinical and diagnostic imaging tools, 2) shall be updated in their comprehension of orthopaedic diseases.
Orthopaedics II
This module focuses on hind limb orthopaedic diseases (Hip joint, Knee joint, Tarsal joint, Tendons …) and surgeries. For each anatomic location, current knowledge and treatment options including surgical techniques will be presented and trained.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) shall possess the current knowledge to come to a final diagnosis, 2) be aware of the current state of the art methods of treatment, 3) master simple surgical techniques and do or refer more complicated or advanced cases.
Orthopaedics III
This module focuses on fore limb orthopaedic diseases (Shoulder joint, Elbow joint, Carpal joint, Tendons …) and surgeries. For each anatomic location, current knowledge and treatment options including surgical techniques will be presented and trained.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants 1) shall possess the current knowledge to come to a final diagnosis, 2) be aware of the current state of the art methods of treatment, 3) master simple surgical techniques and do or refer more complicated or advanced cases.