We are happy to offer you with completely free webinars in different disciplines.
All of our free webinars are held by ESAVS faculty members.
We will publish all the dates and topics of the free webinars 2023 soon.
Stay tuned!
26 April, 2023
19:00 CEST
Emergency & Critical Care
Dr. Esther Hassdenteufel, Dipl. ACVECC/ECVECC
Hypercoagulability – Diagnostics and therapy
Thrombotic and thromboembolic diseases are diagnosed quite often in small animal patients (e.g. aortic and pulmonary thromboembolism). Diagnostics and treatment of these patients will be discussed. We will also talk about the patients the benefit from early thromboprophylaxis. The CURATIVE guidelines will be included and explained, as in general veterinary guidelines concerning this topic are quite rare.
16 February, 2023
19:00 CET
Dr. Irene Bruckner
Dr. Stefanie Handl Dipl. ECVCN
Don’t forget to ask for the feeding! When diet solves the case
The diet history is of utmost importance for all veterinary visits. Owners “want the best” for their pet, but feeding trends, myths and misunderstandings are currently very popular. A wrong diet, but also treats, supplements or other components of the diet can contribute to health problems; therefore, this important information should not be missed. Foods marketed with slogans like “grain free”, “natural”, “high in meat”, “without additives” are very popular – but some of these companies have little knowledge on legal regulations and nutrient requirements, and their products my cause deficiencies or intoxications. Foods and treats which are difficult to digest, undercooked foods, but also mistakes in feeding technique might cause gastrointestinal symptoms, which can be easily resolved.